Saturday, May 26, 2012

All nighter and blog awards!

YAY! I got two Versatile blogger awards! I am so excited!  Thank you Laura have not been on my blog for a least a week or two. More post are going to be coming though! I just finished my freshman year of high school yesterday so.... that means I am going to be able to post more! Here are some pictures of some of the junk food that my sister and brothers had last night. Every summer on the last day of school we stay up as long as we can and eat a bunch of yummy junk food! It is so much fun but I felt like sugar this morning.

                                                              My all time favorite popcorn!


                                            I wated to get a picture before it was almost gone.  LOL!

                                                               The destruction.. dun, dun, dun.

 Ok, back to the blog awards! Both of these awards were awarded to be by Laura. I have to tell you seven  facts about myself for each one.

1. I LOVE softball.
2. My birthday is Dec. 23!
3. I love horses.
4. I lived in AZ for two years.
5. I don't like to read  ( unless it is a really good book. I mean really good.)
6. I am 15 and 1/2 lol!
7. I LOVE milk. I don't know how I would live without it.

The second award is a Versatile Blogger Award too but it is a diffrent one.

1. My favorite meal is angel hair pasta.
2. My favorite resturant is Olive Garden.
3. I LOVE olives.
4. I am afraid of the cracking sound when thunderstorms come.
5. my favorite fruit is strawberries.
6. I love swimming.
7. My hobbie is photography.

I have 7 followers but only 3 have blogs and I think two of them have already been award so the awards go to.....

Amber (

Congratulations Amber you are being awared both of the blogger awards. Just comment below to tell me you saw this and tell us 7 facts about yourself for each one.

Thanks for viewing by blog today!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012


So yesterday after school Mom,  Mattie, Brad, Noah, and I went to the lake to have lunch and enjoy the weather! It was so fun! Anytime I go to a beach or lake it helps me remeber that God touched and made every lake and beach with his hands. Here are some pictures of what we did!

                                        I think that they were removing some of the big rocks
                                                so that people can swim here this summer.

                                                                       Jumping in!!
                                                        Sigh.. ok I guess I will jump in too. LOL!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Ladies Banquet! Happy Mother's day!

Today is Mother's day! I am so thankful for my Mom and the impact that she has on my life! The most important thing that she is helping me become is a young lady! Speaking of that we had a ladies banquet yesterday at our church for mother's and daughters! It was SO fun! Emma, Mattie, and I signed a song together too. I forgot to have someone record it with my camera. I will give you the youtube video though.

                           This picture is so funny! The boys served dinner to the ladies that night! They did
                                                                        a great job! :) 


              Cupcakes made by a lady that has a business called Crystal's cupcake! They were really good!

                                                           Cupcakes and flower pens!

                                           Here is the song that Emma, Mattie, and I signed.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

A day up in a tree!

Today was such a glorious day! It started out with some rain and then it became sunny and warm at around noon! LOVING IT! I wish school was out though. I think I get out in about 12 days! (relaxed smile) :) The schools here in Madison get out on June 5th. Anyway, any of you loving the weather? Poor people in Antarctica or the North Pole . Not very many people live in one of those places most likely.

One thing that I did today that I have not done in awhile was sit up in a tree! Someone fell out of one of our trees last year about 15 ft high and an abulance had to come and stuff. He's ok but we just don't like to climb that high anymore. As I was up there It was so cool to lay down on a branch and look up as high as I could past the leaves. Sometimes in order to be with God we have to set aside time to ACTUALLY be with Him and hear His voice. It can be hard to set aside time when there are lots of things to be done. Don't you think we could give time to the one who made us, saw us before we were even formed, created the universe, and holds the world in His hands? I think YES! There are so many things that I learn just from having some time spent alone with God. Where is your quiet time? What is your favorite thing about it?

Thanks for viewing!


Tuesday, May 1, 2012


  Sigh.. I am sorry that I have not written on my blog since last Wed. Last week was really busy and so was my weekend.  Today I thought that I would write a little bit about May because today is May 1st . Here are 10 things that pop in my mind immediately when I think of May!

10 Things that come into my mind when I think of May:

1. Schools out! (Oh yeah!!)

2. Flowers!

Spring Daisys

3. Horseback riding

4. Camping ( you have to have some marshmallows)

5. The beach!

6.Sleeping in (zzzzz...)

8. Ice cream

9.  Laying around in Pj's

10. Hanging out with my Bff's

Thanks for viewing my 10 favorite things about May!